“When we see a natural style, we are astonished and charmed; for we expected to see an author, and we find a person.” —Blaise Pascal


I’m here to help you write powerful speeches, essays, and stories!

Hi, I’m Sam. I’m a writer, editor and frequent university lecturer. I have a first-class degree from Oxford and an MFA in prose writing from the University of Irvine. I help people shape their memories and experiences into moving, persuasive stories for university applications, speeches, or any other situation that calls for a narrative (even challenging letters and emails). And I get results! My clients have been accepted into Ivy League colleges, Harvard and Wharton Business Schools, Kellogg School of Management, Stanford Business School (lot of business clients!), The Iowa Writers Workshop, and other elite universities across the English speaking world (and some in France; I’m a fluent French speaker). I’ve worked with best-selling writers and edited essays, stories, and pitches that were placed in The New York Times, The Guardian, The New Yorker, Granta, The New Republic, and many other publications.